Justify Nothing

Michael Grills
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Hey there,

Are you feeling a little down and in need of some inspiration? Well, let me share a lesson I learned a couple of years ago that might just lift your spirits.

I realized that trying to explain my happiness can often be like pouring a bucket of ice cold water over a freshly lit sparkler. 

If I feel like I have to justify it, it’s less bright.

And let's be real, most of the time when people ask us why we like something, they're trying to put our happiness on trial. 

That's why I've adopted the internal mantra of "justify nothing." It's a simple yet powerful reminder to just embrace the things that bring me joy, no matter what anyone else thinks.

So my advice to you is this: don't worry about trying to explain your happiness to others. Just love it for what it is and let it bring you joy. Because at the end of the day, isn't that all that really matters?

So go ahead and embrace the things that make you happy, dear friend. Because they're awesome, plain and simple. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. And if anyone tries to rain on your happiness parade, just tell them to go kick rocks. You deserve to be happy, and you don't need anyone's approval to enjoy it.

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